Pennco Tech continues to welcome students to our campuses, including in-person tours of the campuses, orientation and graduation ceremonies, labs, and other educational offerings. Please note that CDC-recommended safety protocols remain in place, including social distancing measures, and any mask mandated requirements.
At Pennco Tech, we take extensive measures to maintain healthier campus environments and follow the guidelines and restrictions put in place through local, state and federal governments, as well as guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve, and our policies and plans will be updated as more information becomes available. To view our Health & Safety Plans, please click on the links below:
Daily Health Screening & Reminders We are working together to act in the best interest of the safety and well-being of our entire campus community. We employ the following safety measures: • All employees, students, and visitors are required to participate in daily temperature checks upon entering the campus • Limiting gatherings and implementing staggered break times and dining schedules • Signage is prominently displayed to promote awareness and understanding of safety protocols • Installing barriers and partitions • Modifying classroom layouts and locations • Monitoring individuals demonstrating symptoms of illness to stay home and seek medical attention • Making proactive calls to students who have been absent for more than (2) days
Face Coverings Appropriate use of face masks or coverings is critical in minimizing risks to others near you. • Masks should completely cover your nose and mouth • Masks must be worn when in the presence of others and in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., entering buildings, common areas, classrooms, conference rooms, in hallways, and stairwells, going to the restroom, etc.) • You may remove your mask if you are working alone in a separate study space, or at lunch but still must maintain social distancing • Continuous wearing of masks is not required in outdoor workspaces where students do not regularly come within six feet of others
Social Distancing Maintaining space between yourself and others is one of the best ways to avoid being exposed to the COVID-19 virus and slowing its spread. There have been cases of people being diagnosed with COVID-19 despite not having symptoms, so social distance is important all of the time, not just if you feel sick. While on campus, stay six feet away from one another. Capacity changes and social distancing guidelines are monitored at all times.
Washing Hands & Other Personal Hygiene The following guidelines should be maintained to help keep you and others healthy: • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces • If you are in a private setting and do not have on your cloth face covering, remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. • If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer from one of our hand sanitizing stations located throughout the campus. • Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible • Avoid touching your face
Campus Hygiene Our Facilities team is engaging in more frequent and robust cleaning protocols. In addition to the routine custodial cleaning efforts, we have implemented an enhanced cleaning frequency to clean and disinfect common areas and commonly touched surfaces throughout the campus. • Disinfecting with a professional-grade Electrostatic Cleaning System that kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses and is specifically approved by the EPA for use with COVID-19 • Increasing cleaning routines and intensity of cleaning • Sanitizing and disinfecting high-touch surfaces throughout the campus • Additional enhanced, deep cleanings if someone should test positive for COVID-19
If Someone is Confirmed With COVID-19 • Employees and students will be notified through e2Campus alert text of any confirmed cases • Potentially exposed individuals will be contacted directly by the School Director, and the local health department is contacted immediately • Areas of campus visited by infected individuals will be closed temporarily for extensive cleaning • An infected individual must seek medical guidance and isolate themselves for up to 14 days
Stay Informed Our students and staff are regularly updated on our health and safety measures, policy and procedures, and other relevant information as it pertains to COVID-19. We are committed to keeping all the members of our community safe, healthy, and informed.
LAST UPDATED: 11/18/2021
Although we continue to monitor COVID-19 updates, we are confident that Pennco Tech’s robust response and existing safety protocols allow us to continue welcoming students to our campuses to pursue their hands-on training and education.
LAST UPDATED: 6/29/2020
BLACKWOOD CAMPUS UPDATE: REOPENING – MONDAY, JULY 6th With our Bristol campus reopened a few weeks ago, we are now thrilled to announce that our Blackwood campus will reopen to CURRENT and NEW START students on Monday, July 6, for day and evening classes. Students will be able to return to classroom instruction and labs on our campus.
Current and New Start students should have received an e2Campus text with important information regarding the Blackwood Return to Campus Plan. In the Student Portal, you can go under the “School Information” tab and view the Blackwood Campus Health and Safety Return to Campus Plan, (or click on this link: so you are familiar with new guidelines and designated entrances on our campus. For any questions, please contact your local campus.
NEW STUDENTS: We are currently accepting applications for summer classes that are filling up fast at both locations! Classes start in July! Call your local admissions office today!
LAST UPDATED: 6/4/2020
BRISTOL CAMPUS UPDATE: We’re happy to announce that we are re-opening our Bristol Campus to CURRENT students Monday, June 8, for day and evening classes. Students will be able to continue their classroom instruction and labs on our campus. Current students will receive an e2Campus alert system text notifying you to visit the student portal. You can go under the “School Information” tab and view the Bristol Re-opening Plan on new Health and Safety Campus Procedures, (or click on this link: so you are familiar with new guidelines and designated entrances on our campus.
BLACKWOOD CAMPUS UPDATE: As soon as the governor of New Jersey allows our campus to re-open, we will notify you of any changes. Make sure to check back regularly and visit our website and social media for updated information.
NEW STUDENTS: We are currently accepting applications for summer classes that are filling up fast! Classes start in July! Call your local admissions office today. For any questions, please contact your local campus for more information.
LAST UPDATED: 5/22/2020
BRISTOL AND BLACKWOOD CAMPUS UPDATE: Pennco Tech has always proudly offered hands-on training, and still firmly believes this is the best mode of education for our programs. Our goal is re-open our campus locations for students to physically return to class and receive hands-on lab training as soon as it is possible and safe to do so. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and government restrictions, we are still unable to re-open our campuses.
“New” Online Learning for Current Students – Start Date: June 1 In the meantime, we’ve been working hard creating a blended online and hands-on training experience for our current students to continue their education due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in March. Through online learning, our students will complete much of the classroom theory portion of their program. Then, when students can safely return to campus, their hands-on training in our labs will begin!
Pennco Tech is confident we can provide students with a blended online and hands-on training experience to help them begin the path toward a life-essential career that can offer life-changing new opportunities. IMPORTANT: Please be advised that all current students will be receiving an important text message from our e2Campus system, notifying them on what steps you need to take to continue with your current classes.
For New Students – Start Date: July 1 We’re still accepting applications for new students for our Summer and Fall classes beginning July 1. At this point in time, we are hoping that classes will be held on our campuses. In the event that government restrictions prevent us from doing so, we are prepared to offer theory classes online, and when we are able to have students back on our campuses, we will offer your lab training. IMPORTANT: Please be advised that all new students will be receiving an important text message from our e2Campus system, notifying them on what steps you need to take to start your new classes.
Thank you for learning with us. We take our role in the development of your educational journey very seriously and will remain focused on sustaining our commitment to you to earn the skills needed for the careers of today and tomorrow. We will keep you posted with additional information as it becomes available. If you are a current student and have further questions, we encourage you to visit your student portal and review important messages and resources. You will also find options there to contact us through a variety of channels, including email and phone. If you are interested in becoming a student here at Pennco Tech, please call our main numbers for assistance.
LAST UPDATED: 4/27/2020
BRISTOL AND BLACKWOOD CAMPUS UPDATE: Through in-person, hands-on training, Pennco Tech has been providing the “life-essential” workforce with our graduates for over 47 years. We know the trades, and we know the best way to deliver your education. While we all continue to monitor the circumstances surrounding COVID-19, it is important not to lose sight of how you envision success in your new career. Whether you’re taking blood pressure in one of our Medical programs, wiring a residential or commercial stick house in our Electrician programs, or under the hood of a car getting your hands dirty in one of our Automotive Technology programs, there is no substitute to the hands-on training and education you will receive here at Pennco Tech. We continue to keep a close eye on all government and health agency guidelines. As soon as we are permitted, we will contact all of our students with our official re-open date. In the meantime, we’ve been busy creating new features for our website that will be launching soon.
NEW WEBSITE FEATURES COMING SOON! NEW “APPLY NOW” FEATURE – We have created a smooth transition for students to “Apply” online through our virtual admissions process. NEW “VIRTUAL TOUR” – Since you can’t come to us right now, we thought we could come to you. We have launched new virtual video tours of both campuses. NEW “Q&A” SECTIONS – We understand that you have concerns and questions, and we want to help create clear lines of communication. We are creating some new communication features on our website where you can get answers to your important questions.
LAST UPDATED: 4/9/2020
BRISTOL AND BLACKWOOD CAMPUS UPDATE: Pennco Tech still has ZERO coronavirus cases reported on either of our campuses. The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance to us. We are all eager to get back to provide you with your hands-on training as soon as possible! At this time, we are still following the guidance from the state authorities and remain closed through the rest of April. Don’t forget to check back for updated information!
LAST UPDATED: 3/24/2020
BRISTOL, PA CAMPUS Gov. Tom Wolf announced Monday that schools, initially shut through Friday, will remain closed at least through April 6 and possibly longer, if necessary, to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19. As more news becomes available, we will keep you updated. Both campuses will continue to provide services via phone from 9 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday. An online request for information is also available through our website at
BLACKWOOD, NJ CAMPUS Today, Gov. Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 104, implementing aggressive social distancing measures to mitigate further spread of COVID-19 in New Jersey. This Executive Order indefinitely closes all public and private preschool, elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education. The order will take effect immediately; therefore, the Pennco Tech Blackwood, NJ campus is temporarily closed until further notice. Both campuses will continue to provide services via phone from 9 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday. An online request for information is also available through our website at
LAST UPDATED: 3/21/2020
As we continue to face the COVID-19 pandemic and based on the best interests of the health and safety of our Pennco Tech students, staff, and community, we have made the decision to temporarily close the Bristol and Blackwood locations until further notice. Both campuses will continue to provide services via phone from 9 am – 4 pm, Monday – Friday. An online request for information is also available through our website at As the situation evolves, we will be regularly monitoring recommendations from the CDC and the State of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We will continue to adjust our plans and our responses. Because this is a rapidly changing situation, we suggest checking back frequently for updates.
LAST UPDATED: 3/20/2020
Furthering steps to help limit the virus’ spread, Gov. Tom Wolf has ordered all non-life-sustaining businesses in Pennsylvania to close their physical locations until further notice. Therefore, the Bristol campus will be closed effective immediately; however, an online request for information is always available. Although classroom instruction is closed at our New Jersey campus, some essential offices remain open. Pennco Tech is continuing to closely monitor the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation, and as the guidelines provided by the CDC and government agencies evolve, we will continue to provide you with additional updates. We want to thank everyone for their cooperation and understanding while we have adjusted our campus schedule to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19. We remain committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our community and providing the highest quality of service to our students.
Last week, Governor Wolf announced that all schools within counties under aggressive social distancing guidelines to close temporarily. This week, Governor Murphy has asked all schools in New Jersey to close by March 18 as a precautionary measure to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Our offices will remain open. At this time, there have been “ZERO” cases of COVID-19 at our campuses. Since first learning of the disease, we have worked to address the situation proactively by taking the necessary measures to help prevent the spread of the virus at both our locations, including:
• Increasing cleaning routines, intensity of cleaning, and disinfecting high-touch surfaces • Encouraging good hygiene and providing hand-sanitizing stations • Employing social distancing measures, implementing staggered break times, and dining schedules • Monitoring individuals demonstrating symptoms of illness to stay home and seek medical attention • Making proactive calls to students who have been absent for more than (2) days
Because COVID-19 represents such a serious public health concern, these measures are being taken to slow the spread of the coronavirus while supporting our students’ educational goals and the needs of staff, students, and community members during these challenging times. As more information is released, we will continue to update you as it becomes available. For students and staff, please be sure to check E2 Campus for updates on this situation.
Each of us must act responsibly for the benefit of our entire community. I appreciate your cooperation and patience as we navigate this challenge to keep every member of the Pennco Tech community healthy and safe.
‘I got it!!!!!I got it!’, Anthony said as he raced into the Career Services Office. He was talking about his new job. Hired by a former graduate of Pennco Tech, Anthony will begin his new career with a two-day OSHA training course.
Anthony Z. - Air Conditioning/Heating Graduate
I enjoyed all my teachers. They made it interesting and challenging. I enjoyed going back to school at the age of 48! Career Services was a big help to me. Danielle was great. She helped me with my resume and showed me how to apply. I got the job with Dietz and Watson! Pennco Tech was the right choice for me as I get ready to start my career.
Mark E. - Electrician Graduate
I just wanted to say thank you again for all your help…I just got a full time job at Kennedy Healthcare in Stratford, NJ as a Patient Services Representative. Thank you again.
Maria Z. - Medical Assisting Administrative Graduate